February is a difficult time for a lot of people. The holidays are over, spring isn’t here yet and the skies are often gray. You could sit around being bummed and waiting for the weather to change or you could take the time to reflect.
Reflection is an important time to slow down, take account for the past year, write a list of gratitude (there is always something to be thankful for even in the hard years), and a list of goals for the new year. No need for a complicated goal list. Write some small goals, some monthly goals and a couple goals that you really want to accomplish by the end of the year. Reach out to a couple people to help you stay accountable to your goals. You could even start a goals group. You’d be surprised at the friendships that can occur.

I know for me it is important during this reflection time to get away. Take a day or two away from the craziness of life and have quiet. Our treehouses, cabins or even the houses are perfect places for this time of reflection. There are hiking trails nearby that aren’t crowded yet, plenty of birds to listen to and though the forest is still brown with fallen leaves, I love being able to see so many more details because the green hasn’t obscured the view. Even if you’re not into hiking, being in a cozy place could be the break that you need to jump start your year. Whether you chose to take your reflection break with us or somewhere else, I encourage you to make the time to quiet yourself, reflect, breathe and make a plan for the amazing year up ahead of us.
Cheers, Anna
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